Steps to perform a structural equation model.
1st Step: Define a model!
2nd Step: Test your model!
3rd Step: Check multivariate normality
4th Step: If data are not multivariate normal then report the robust estimations based on Satorra - Bentler correction. If multivariate normality is not reject then report Maximum Likehood estimations (only the first lines of the output are presented!).
5th Step: Get the necessary plots to visualise your results.
6th Step: If you need a publication quality image (12cm x 8 cm, 300dpi) then create it using the code:
1st Step: Define a model!
model <- '
F =~ MOV + SD + BLD + DFN + OBS
2nd Step: Test your model!
fit <- lavaan::cfa(model, data = PAPDdata, estimator = "MLM")
summary(fit, fit.measures = TRUE)
summary(fit, standardized=TRUE, rsq=TRUE)
3rd Step: Check multivariate normality
result = mardiaTest(mardiadata, qqplot = TRUE)
Mardia's Multivariate Normality Test
data : mardiadata
g1p : 8.130499
chi.skew : 971.5946
p.value.skew : 2.68991e-181
g2p : 64.29887
z.kurtosis : 46.88472
p.value.kurt : 0
chi.small.skew : 977.0206
p.value.small : 1.955776e-182
Result : Data are not multivariate normal.
4th Step: If data are not multivariate normal then report the robust estimations based on Satorra - Bentler correction. If multivariate normality is not reject then report Maximum Likehood estimations (only the first lines of the output are presented!).
lavaan (0.5-23.1097) converged normally after 30 iterations
Number of observations 717
Estimator ML Robust
Minimum Function Test Statistic 13.090 7.469
Degrees of freedom 5 5
P-value (Chi-square) 0.023 0.188
Scaling correction factor 1.753
for the Satorra-Bentler correction
5th Step: Get the necessary plots to visualise your results.
semPaths(fit, intercepts=F, layout="tree", exoCov = T, fade=FALSE, node.label.cex = 7, sizeMan=6)
semPaths(fit, what='std', layout="tree", intercepts=F, node.label.cex = 7, residuals = T, sizeMan=6, edge.label.cex=1.25, title=F, exoCov = T, fade=F)
6th Step: If you need a publication quality image (12cm x 8 cm, 300dpi) then create it using the code:
png("/home/YOUR_HOME_FOLDER_HERE/std_coeffs_model.png", res = 300, units = "mm", width=120, height=80)
semPaths(fit, what='std', layout="tree", node.label.cex = 7, residuals = TRUE, sizeMan=6, edge.label.cex=1.25, title=FALSE, exoCov = FALSE, fade=FALSE)
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