1. Summarize data
2. Define time factor.
3. Compute repeated measures ANOVA
4. Residuals
5. Normality of residuals
6. Restructure of the data (3 weight columns to one)
6.1 Rename of columns (not absolutely necessary)
7. Computation of p according to Huynh - Feldt correction
(necessary when sphericity is not assumed. The user should be aware from step 3)
8. Label modification (weight1, weight2, weight3 to 1st, 2nd, 3rd)
9. Plot
9.1 Add legend
10. Locate the position of labels: After the command "locator(6)" the user will select with the mouse on the plot the 6 points where labels will appear.
Woman - 1st, Woman - 2nd, Woman - 3rd, Man - 1st, Man - 2nd, Man - 3rd.
9.1 Position labels
The above example is contained in the paragraph 5.4 of the book "Στατιστική ανάλυση με τη γλώσσα R" (in Greek, ISBN: 978-960-93-9445-1) published in Thessaloniki, 2017.
# 16 adults followed a diet for 12 months.
# 3 weight measurements at time 0, 6 and 12 months (weight1, weight2 and weight3 resp.)
gender = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
gender = factor(gender, levels = c(0, 1), labels = c("Woman", "Man"))
contrasts(gender) = contr.helmert
weight1 = c(81.2, 76.7, 75.7, 81.2, 71.7, 71.2, 68.5, 89.8, 107.5, 105.7, 99.3, 100.7, 90.3, 105.7, 98.0, 116.6)
weight2 = c(78.0, 73.0, 73.0, 78.5, 69.9, 64.9, 63.5, 87.1, 102.1, 102.5, 97.1, 95.3, 87.5, 102.5, 93.4, 112.9)
weight3 = c(78.4, 72.1, 73.7, 78.5, 69.7, 65.4, 63.3, 85.5, 101.3, 102.2, 95.7, 93.9, 86.5, 102.5, 93.9, 113.9)
dataF = data.frame(gender, weight1, weight2, weight3)
1. Summarize data
my.summary = function(avar){ return (paste(round(mean(avar), 1), " (", round(sd(avar), 1), ")")) } for(column in 2:4){ print(my.summary(dataF[,column])) print(my.summary(dataF[,column][dataF$gender == "
"])) print(my.summary(dataF[,column][dataF$gender == "
"])) }
2. Define time factor.
time = factor(rep("weight_measurement", 3), levels=c("weight1", "weight2", "weight3"))
time[1] = "weight1"; time[2] = "weight2"; time[3] = "weight3"
idata = data.frame(time)
3. Compute repeated measures ANOVA
mod.ok = lm(cbind(weight1, weight2, weight3) ~ gender, data=dataF)
av.ok = Anova(mod.ok, idata=idata, idesign=~time, type = "III")
summary(av.ok, multivariate=FALSE)
4. Residuals
allresiduals =
5. Normality of residuals
lapply(allresiduals, skewness)
lapply(allresiduals, kurtosis)
lapply(allresiduals, shapiro.test)
6. Restructure of the data (3 weight columns to one)
dataF$id = rep(1:16)
data.long = data.frame(dataF[5], dataF[1], stack(dataF[2:4]))
6.1 Rename of columns (not absolutely necessary)
data.long = rename(data.long, c("values"="weight", "ind"="time"))
7. Computation of p according to Huynh - Feldt correction
(necessary when sphericity is not assumed. The user should be aware from step 3)
rmd2 = aov_ez("id", "weight", data.long, between = c("gender"), within = c("time"), anova_table=list(correction = "HF", es = "none"))
8. Label modification (weight1, weight2, weight3 to 1st, 2nd, 3rd)
data.long$time=revalue(data.long$time, c("weight1"="1st", "weight2"="2nd", "weight3"="3rd"))
9. Plot
par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 8.1), xpd=TRUE)
interaction.plot(data.long$time, data.long$gender, data.long$weight, type="b", col=c("red","blue"), legend=F,
lty=c(1,2), lwd=2, pch=c(18,24), xlab="Measurement", ylab="Weight",
main="Weight evolution by gender", ylim = c(65, 105))
9.1 Add legend
legend("topright",c("Woman","Man"), bty="n", lty=c(1,2), lwd=2, pch=c(18,24), col=c("red","blue"), title="Gender",inset=c(-0.5,0))
10. Locate the position of labels: After the command "locator(6)" the user will select with the mouse on the plot the 6 points where labels will appear.
Woman - 1st, Woman - 2nd, Woman - 3rd, Man - 1st, Man - 2nd, Man - 3rd.
coord_for_labels = locator(6)
9.1 Position labels
counter = 1
for (agender in levels(data.long$gender)) {
for (ameasurement in levels(data.long$time)) {
meantoshow = mean(data.long[ which(data.long$gender==agender & data.long$time == ameasurement), ]$weight)
text(coord_for_labels$x[counter], coord_for_labels$y[counter], round(meantoshow, 1), pos=3)
counter = counter + 1
The above example is contained in the paragraph 5.4 of the book "Στατιστική ανάλυση με τη γλώσσα R" (in Greek, ISBN: 978-960-93-9445-1) published in Thessaloniki, 2017.
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